Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who's Your Target Audience

A few posts back...I noted target audience. As a church, do you know your target audience? Not the group. Rather, the specific. Knowing the specific will frame and shape nearly every decision. Just consider these statements and questions in relation to the specific.

I am...
My occupation is...
I would describe my family situation as...
I am originally from...
I spend my free time...
My life would be better if...
My favorite television show is...
My favorite radio station is...
I buy my cloths at...
I read...
The most important thing in my life is...
My dream is to...
My greatest practical need is...
I socialize with...
I think Christians and churches are...
I would attend church only if...
I would grow spiritually if...
My name is...

Huh. You may say... What's the point? Don't we exist to be all for all to all? But, I would challenge the opposite. Through honing and narrowing, you're actually broadening. Let's break that one down a bit...

Say your target audience is Sam. Sam is only ten years old and he loves your church. Why? Well...your church speaks his language. After all, your church knows his aspirations, dreams, favorites, and needs. Your ministries address and engage these areas. With Sam...his parents now come and sit during your messages. His grandparents come as they can partner with a vision and impact their Sam and others like him. United with cause and purpose! Sam just grew across three generations and all by honing and narrowing upon him.

Once again, as leaders, close your doors and address these statements and questions. Who is your target audience. A ten year old girl? A thirty year old mom? A seventy year old grandfather?

The specific will guide and shape events, outreaches, and services. Why? Because you're now able to answer - what's your target audience hoping and seeking and how does your congregation rally around and reach out to your target audience. That's how you spell IMPACT!

Without the specific...hours and resources may be wasted and/or underutilized as the context of target audience is null and void. And...context is often the majority. Until next time. Jed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Story Behind This Name

More often than not...people ask - "What's with ljutic213 anyways?" Well...ljutic213 is my user name for both facebook and twitter. Is it hard for most to remember? Absolutely! Can anyone besides a select few pronounce it? Absolutely not! Have I considered changing it? Everyday of my life!

So, here's the story behind this name...

Ljutic is a gun manufacturer. American made. American owned. Manufacturing one of the best for trapshooters everywhere. You may check them out here.

Me? I simply love trapshooting. It once consumed and framed dollar after dollar of hour after hour of week after week. kids arrived with their beating hearts and smiling faces. So, for a season, my kids have trumped my guns.

As you may have guessed, I own a Ljutic. The serial number of my Ljutic is 213. Put the two together and there you go...ljutic213.


Come on over and visit sometime. We'll have some coffee and I'll show you my Ljutic. Yes...I realize that whole sentence sounds a bit bizarre. But, it really is a thing of beauty.

Perhaps one day this name will change. But, for now, I will ignore the naysayers and proudly display this difficult to pronounce and difficult to remember name. Why? Simply because it's me. So...why not! Until next time. Jed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Life Plan

Recently, I was compelled and inspired by Michael Hyatt to tackle my life plan. I've never considered a life plan before. However, I guess one was loosely sketched within my mind. Love God, love my family, love my career, and stay alive. Pretty basic really...especially the whole stay alive thing. And...pretty obvious some "planning" was long overdue.

So, tackle I did. About 7 hours later...I emerged with 7 pages. An hour per page...which I have no idea if that's bad or good. But, I'm content and blown away from the process and result. Before digging any deeper...let me share portions of my plan with you.

First though...check out this post from Michael Hyatt as this post covers the "how to" of a life plan. Without it...the following may be a bit confusing. So...don't say I didn't warn you.

Ok...back to portions of my life plan.

I used the same accounts as Mr. Hyatt notes. Not because I'm lazy. Rather...I simply agreed with them.

My Children
My Friends
My Career
My Finances
My Ministries

Here's the outcome (how I want to be remembered) for my children:

My safe refuge and resource for knowledge and love. A shoulder to cry on. My biggest fan. An encourager. A reliable constant in an ever changing world. He was simply my dad and he was simply the best.

I was a tad sombering writing this outcome. was also refreshing and helped set the stage for the remainder of my plan. Also, it begs the question whether or not this outcome is currently fact or fiction. A tough but warranted question.

Here's my envisioned future for my children:

We share fears, laughs, tears, trials, and triumphs. We simply share life. We embrace and encourage. Love is spelled T-I-M-E...where we chat and share the daily dares and deepest dreams...while resting on and revolving around the crazy love of God.

Changing gears a are some of my specific commitments for self...under the heading of growth:

Dedicate and reserve the lunch hour to reading.

Use two applications (iPhone) to know current and relevant news and topics. Use three podcasts (iPod) to regularly engage others within life.

For television, I'll gravitate to education over entertainment.

Ok - don't give me a hard time about the education over entertainment bit. Sure sounds good on paper and when I fail...I'll simply blame my wife which will likely violate another commitment. Oh...I see a vicious cycle taking root.

Seriously though...this whole process of life plan has provided much fruit. In some areas of life, my tires were partially off pavement. a sense of traction is taking grip. I've already implemented new relationships and revised basic daily habits. Improved accountability. Improved health. Improved ministry. And...all with fairly minor massages and tweaks.

I simply lacked a map - my plan - to take me from where I am to where I aspire.

I would highly recommend tackling your own...if you do, let me know the outcome. If you have any questions, just ask. Until next time. Jed.

Winner Of Crave

Many replies mainly via email and twitter. Thanks all as I was greatly impressed with the creative responses...and I actually crave many of the same. Thanks also to Harvest House for making this giveaway possible.

The winner has been, if you haven't been contacted...sorry. As our friend Charlotte would say...chin up, chin up, everybody loves a happy face (that's from Charlotte's Web for those who have blocked that one from memory).

Stay tuned for additional posts regarding Crave by Chris Tomlinson soon. Also, posting about my life plan later tonight. Thanks again!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Book Giveaway Of Crave By Chris Tomlinson

Who loves free stuff? Don't we all? Count me in as there's no guilt or shame here!

Happy day as I have a crisp and fresh copy of Crave by Chris Tomlinson. A copy to give freely and willingly. I kind of feel like Santa - whom I secretly admire. guilt of shame here.

Crave: Wanting So Much More Of God

I started digging into this read today. My first thought? Discipleship...what an amazing resource for discipleship! But, I'll hold my review until the end. So, stay tuned.

Also, an interview with Chris will publish here within the coming weeks. Really cool stuff! Once again...stay tuned.

Back to the important stuff. The free stuff. Let me know what you crave. Chocolate? Christ? Green grass? Ice cream? name it. Use email, facebook, this blog, or twitter to let me know. The most creative reply wins.

Per my sole discretion, I will select the winner. Now...I feel more like Napoleon than Santa. But...I'll get over it. Your chance to let me know closes at 11:59 pm, Monday, January 25, central time.

The winner will be announced the following day. Until next time. Jed.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Seeking Purpose

Recently, I sat through some intriguing discussions. These discussions challenged and pulled me. All good stuff. From these discussions, two points have stuck with me like glue...really really sticky sticky glue. These points - swot analysis and target audience. We'll save target audience for later. But...let's explore swot analysis. What in the world is swot analysis? This was my first question. Well…it’s an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Ever think of these before? Your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. What about your church's...

Strengths. What you do really well? Your core values. Perhaps you're gifted with talented teachers. Perhaps there's an underlying foundation of love…one that runs deep and wide.

Weaknesses. Or…more politically correct…opportunities for improvement. Perhaps you lack leaders. Perhaps mistrust has been fostered and kindled…more finger pointing than uplifting.

Opportunities. What are the needs within your community? Large segment of single moms? Large segment of unemployed? A laundry mat?

Threats. What threatens all of the above? A shaky economy or an aging congregation without fresh wind coming up through the sails.

So…time for your next decision. Whatever this decision…implement this swot analysis.

Standing upon a strength while improving a weakness. Taking advantage of an opportunity while minimizing a threat. Is this decision accomplishing this? If not, perhaps it's the wrong decision? a minimum...the wrong direction.

Combine the above with target audience…and, wow! Now, this decision has a face to it. Whether it be Sandwich Sam or Plano Pat (two towns near me)…you have a reason to do what you do.

One more time. Start talking and thinking like...we're launching this new ministry or revamping this existing ministry by standing upon a strength while improving a weakness and taking advantage of an opportunity while minimizing a threat...all in the name of reaching Sandwich Sam or Plano Pat with Christ's love. Wow! Now...that's what I call purpose!

Do you know your swot analysis? Do your leaders on all levels? Leaders - carve out some time, close the door, and flush it it may flesh out for all.

Step outside the church and how about your family or even yourself? Until next time. Jed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Repost A Year Later

Someone stumbled upon this blog and commented on a year old post. Brought back some good memories and thoughts. Liked it so much...I decided to repost this post from January 21, 2009. Hope you enjoy!


Well…where to begin or end. I’m not sure. This past week is one to remember. Aunts struggling with cancer. Dads flirting with death. Families wrestling with doubt. Friends questioning and wondering. Why? Sound familiar? A lone voice calling and crying out. Why? Why that or why this? God seems to have vanished or at least taken a pause. 2009 is off to an interesting and intriguing start.

We all have a why…and this why may never be answered. What now? Does anything change without this answer? God remains constant as we toil and trod. God does not change! Right?

I’ll keep today’s post short and simple as the Word says it best (Isaiah 40:12-25).

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?
Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
Does he need instruction about what is good?
Did someone teach him what is right or show him the path of justice?
No, for all the nations of the world are but a drop in the bucket.
They are nothing more than dust on the scales.
He picks up the whole earth as though it were a grain of sand.
All the wood in Lebanon’s forests and all Lebanon’s animals would not be enough to make a burnt offering worthy of our God.
The nations of the world are worth nothing to him.
In his eyes they count for less than nothing mere emptiness and froth.
To whom can you compare God?
What image can you find to resemble him?
Can he be compared to an idol formed in a mold, overlaid with gold, and decorated with silver chains?
Or, if people are too poor for that, they might at least choose wood that won’t decay and a skilled craftsman to carve an image that won’t fall down!
Haven’t you heard? Don’t you understand?
Are you deaf to the words of God – the words he gave before the world began?
Are you so ignorant?
God sits above the circle of the earth.
The people below seem like grasshoppers to him!
He spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them.
He judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing.
They hardly get started, barely taking root, when he blows on them and they wither.
The wind carries them off like chaff.
“To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?” asks the Holy One.

So…give your why to God. It cannot be in better hands as God has no equal! Until next time. Jed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Tortoise & The Hare

The tortoise and the hare. Remember that one? Brings back some great memories. Doesn't it? Specifically...the one with Bugs Bunny as the hare. Ah...good times!

On a separate six year old simply scratches her head at the mention of Bugs Bunny. "Who's that," she asks? Oh...woe as me. Where have I gone wrong as her father!

Anyways...back to the tortoise and the hare.

As a leader, should we run the race as the tortoise? The outcome? Well...little will ever change. It's just about the same step today as tomorrow. Step after step. Ever so slow. Little to no good at all.

So, what about the hare? Only if you love chaos, confusion, and headache. Although a silly illustration...just eat ice cream too fast and what do you get? Headache! Lead too fast...headache as well...only more like a migraine.

The magic comes with the pace. Not too slow and not too fast...but, reframing expectations day in and day out. Leading at the pace of change. Or, as Ron Heifetz says, disappointing people at a rate they can tolerate. do we find the right pace? Your thoughts?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where Are You Leading From

I'm sitting in the midst of process. Watching leaders create clarity and debate direction. Very intriguing...this whole thing of process. Much talks around leadership and the associated means and methods. Here's one that stuck with me...

Where are you leading from? The authority zone, the power zone, or the leadership zone?

From the authority zone, we basically satisfy expectations. We have the authority to lead...but, only within the confines of this authority. These confines set the standards. We meet these standards and thus satisfy these expectations. All very comforting...and, in my opinion, all very boring.

From the power zone, we rule with the iron fist. I think of Nikita Krushchev banging his shoe on the delegate's desk. Dictatorship...ultimately leading to abuse. And...abuse is rarely healing or helping.

But...step just outside the authority zone and we enter the leadership zone. Here we reframe expectations. Here we redefine priorities. Here we pursue and challenge. Here we lead!

The mindset within the leadership zone?

- Perseverance with will...
- Resistance is expected...
- Deal with values...
- Risk is required...
- Judgment is required...
- Share in responsibility...
- And...luck is part of the equation...

Now, the skill set within the leadership zone?

- Distinguish operational, strategic, and/or operational...
- Moderate anxiety...
- Engage stakeholders...
- Reinforce purpose...
- Infuse meaning...
- Build rapport...
- Reframe problems...

So, where are you leading from? The leadership zone offers movement. Not just movement...but, forward movement. And...not just forward movement...but, forward unified movement.

Let's lead from the leadership zone...allowing and compelling forward unified movement! Until next time. Jed.

Thanks to John Holm with TAG Consulting for inspiring these principles and thoughts over the last couple of days. Greatly appreciated!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thanks & My Top Five

Wow! Ask for some critics and out they pop...twice the average traffic. All good though!

Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts. I appreciate them all and love the collaboration. I'll definitely revisit this well as it's deep and full of knowledge. Thanks again!

Simple post today from a minor tradition of last year. My top five this week...

5. American Idol has relaunched. Yes...I'm a closet American Idol fan.

4. Life Groups at Harvest Chapel continue to blow me away. So grateful for doing life together. Definitely a blog post or two hiding within this one.

3. Conquering and enjoying my nook as reading will never again be the same!

2. Spending some time with some great church leaders the next couple of days. Helping define and develop vision.

1. That number two is happening only one mile from Cabela's!

Have a great weekend everyone! Until next time. Jed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be My Critic

Well...I'm working on a "project" and thought I'd post a snippet here. So, take a read and let me know your thoughts. Disregard the cigarette comments as they refer back to earlier snippets...currently undisclosed. Thanks for any insights.


Simply put. Stop pioneering and start settling. Don’t get me wrong. We need pioneers pioneering. But, we desperately need settlers settling. You see…hopefully pioneers have already ransacked your church, community, and culture. Cause without these pioneers, the remainder of this (left blank for now) is absolutely and completely worthless. These pioneers allow fruit to bud and bloom. Allow new believers and tire kickers to seek refuge within your pews. Meanwhile, we’re coughing and scrambling…lighting up the next cigarette. Fully neglecting these believers and kickers. The result? Pioneering fades and this fruit withers unappreciated and unnoticed. Conclusion? Pioneering jumpstarts life while settling grows it.

Without question, on the heels of pioneers pioneering, we need settlers settling. Settlers fertilizing, nurturing, and pruning. Settlers allowing this fruit to ripen! So, inhale your last and toss that cigarette. It’s time to settle on settling…and, as promised, dig a little deeper with EEERR.

No...I didn’t just growl at you. Rather, it’s the lifeblood of the settler.


Let’s start with an example and take a look at the Army. They first engage young men and women. Enlist them for duty and equip them for war. Repeat this process and thus reproduce the results. Compounding over and over and over and over. EEERR. Perhaps they’re on to something.

Engage, enlist, and equip. Repeat and reproduce.


Think you'd want more? Until next time. Jed.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Publishing Your Past

A week or so ago, I posted about authoring your future and publishing your past. As usual, we only scratched the surface. So, let's wrestle with publishing your past a bit more.

Two camps exist. The camp of debauchery and sin...which, let's be honest, is fun for a season. The other? The camp of faith and peace...which sustains season after season.

Regardless of your camp, you must publish your past. Here's why...

Camp of Debauchery & Sin:

I settled here for a season. Others settle here for several seasons. Others pass through season by season. Tent by tent. Camp by camp. Struggle by struggle. Relationship by relationship. Addiction by addiction.

We're shamed and humiliated and sit in silence as silence offers safety and security. Safety from condemning comments. Security from glaring glances. Oh, how quickly we forget on both fronts. The condemned and condemner as all have sinned and fallen short. There is not one not one.

So...your struggles, relationships, and addictions are assets. Not scarlet letters. And...others resonate the same. Others drowning in despair while sitting in silence. Wondering if there's a way out as the stakes have driven deep within.

Here's where you fit in. Publish your past! Reach out and link up. Help these others author a future with the Lord as their guide. Ultimately, fiction will be squelched by fact.

Fiction: The scars of my sins should be hidden as they'll mar my future.

Fact: The scars of my sins should be spoken as they'll heal not only my future...but, others as well.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. James 5:16.

Camp of Faith & Peace:

Perhaps you lack these scars. And, relatively speaking, you've avoided these struggles, relationships, and addictions. My wife is the mayor of this camp...which I greatly admire and will proudly publish to my little girls. Proclaiming there's a road often less traveled...but, traveled nonetheless. The road of early faith in Christ and residence within the camp of faith and peace.

Publish your past! Once again, fiction will be squelched by fact.

Fiction: The lack of scars makes my life non-relatable.

Fact: The lack of scars makes my life obtainable.

Follow the steps of good men instead and stay on the paths of the righteous. Proverbs 2:20.

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Root Of Perception

The relative strength of any friend or foe is assessed from an appearance.

The blisters and calluses for the worker.
The strands of grays and volumes of books for the professor.
The diplomas hanging and patients waiting for the doctor.

Each communicating and portraying an appearance. After all, as we've discussed, isn't perception everything? But...let's slow down. Not so the past year or so reflects another appearance.

Bear Stearns collapsed.
GMC pleaded.
Washington Mutual folded.

Go back further...much further.

Sampson collapsed.
Pharaoh pleaded.
Goliath folded.

Perhaps perception isn't least from God's perspective. So, here's the often ignored and neglected question?

What about my walk with God? The books on my shelf. The songs on my speakers. The studies on my desk. All an appearance able to collapse, plead, and fold within a moment. Rather, it's the root within my soul. This root...this perspective God cares for and watches over. This perspective I need. This perspective must grow and reproduce!

How deep is my root? How deep is your root? Your church's and family's? As perception lingers, this root lasts...eternally!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

An Author Or A Publisher

An author and a publisher walk into a bar. Sounds like a pathetic joke. So...let's not even attempt one and skip straight to the punchline.

You see...both play critical roles as neither exists without the other. The author feeding the publisher. The publisher feeding the author. Whether one in the same...each seems mutual enough. So, what's the defining difference? The timing of today versus tomorrow. The author authoring months and years prior. The publisher publishing months and years after.

The punchline? Recognizing these roles within your own life. Never forget. Today begs a publisher. Tomorrow begs an author. Still confused? No big deal...let's have another look.

Author your future.

Publish your past.

Your future has yet to be authored. So...get after it! Author a best seller or better yet a life changer. Short of sin...create for clients, lead for families, and win for souls.

Your past has already been published. So...use it! Bad, good, or indifferent. It compels and defines and easily resonates as a life changer. But, we often forget and neglect it. Rather...dust it off and shine it up.

Few more practical tips.

Don't worry about critics? Do you lack critics? Then, go create some! Cause without might as well forget best sellers and life changers. They too go hand in hand.

Lastly, never ever ever ever ever neglect the Chief Editor. Jesus Christ! Until next time. Jed.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Reason Of Purpose

The new year no longer knocks at our doors. Rather, it rests within our recliners and demands our remotes. So, the past is just that...the past.

Makes me sit and think. this blog evolved. The intentions, goals, and purposes all shifted and transformed. But, the original sketches still haunt me. Silently singing a chorus of what if.

You see...theses original sketches loosely resembled online accountability. Kind of an online confessional. A place for people to reach out and share their struggles and trails. Perhaps the grip of pornography or the scar of sexual abuse.

Even with Facebook and Twitter...we seem to lack neutral ground. Ground where these struggles and trails may be aired and eventually healed. All connecting back to the local church. No names. No pressures. Just chances and opportunities.

This "ground" is still just sketches. But, I like to think the chorus of what if has concluded. Ushered off the stage. Rather...what might be seems more appropriate.

If you're interested in defining or discussing these sketches, please let me know. Who knows where God may lead and what might be. Perhaps you have a solo. Until next time. Jed.