Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Life Plan

Recently, I was compelled and inspired by Michael Hyatt to tackle my life plan. I've never considered a life plan before. However, I guess one was loosely sketched within my mind. Love God, love my family, love my career, and stay alive. Pretty basic really...especially the whole stay alive thing. And...pretty obvious some "planning" was long overdue.

So, tackle I did. About 7 hours later...I emerged with 7 pages. An hour per page...which I have no idea if that's bad or good. But, I'm content and blown away from the process and result. Before digging any deeper...let me share portions of my plan with you.

First though...check out this post from Michael Hyatt as this post covers the "how to" of a life plan. Without it...the following may be a bit confusing. So...don't say I didn't warn you.

Ok...back to portions of my life plan.

I used the same accounts as Mr. Hyatt notes. Not because I'm lazy. Rather...I simply agreed with them.

My Children
My Friends
My Career
My Finances
My Ministries

Here's the outcome (how I want to be remembered) for my children:

My safe refuge and resource for knowledge and love. A shoulder to cry on. My biggest fan. An encourager. A reliable constant in an ever changing world. He was simply my dad and he was simply the best.

I admit...it was a tad sombering writing this outcome. But...it was also refreshing and helped set the stage for the remainder of my plan. Also, it begs the question whether or not this outcome is currently fact or fiction. A tough but warranted question.

Here's my envisioned future for my children:

We share fears, laughs, tears, trials, and triumphs. We simply share life. We embrace and encourage. Love is spelled T-I-M-E...where we chat and share the daily dares and deepest dreams...while resting on and revolving around the crazy love of God.

Changing gears a bit...here are some of my specific commitments for self...under the heading of growth:

Dedicate and reserve the lunch hour to reading.

Use two applications (iPhone) to know current and relevant news and topics. Use three podcasts (iPod) to regularly engage others within life.

For television, I'll gravitate to education over entertainment.

Ok - don't give me a hard time about the education over entertainment bit. Sure sounds good on paper and when I fail...I'll simply blame my wife which will likely violate another commitment. Oh...I see a vicious cycle taking root.

Seriously though...this whole process of life plan has provided much fruit. In some areas of life, my tires were partially off pavement. But...now a sense of traction is taking grip. I've already implemented new relationships and revised basic daily habits. Improved accountability. Improved health. Improved ministry. And...all with fairly minor massages and tweaks.

I simply lacked a map - my plan - to take me from where I am to where I aspire.

I would highly recommend tackling your own...if you do, let me know the outcome. If you have any questions, just ask. Until next time. Jed.

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