Saturday, January 16, 2010

Where Are You Leading From

I'm sitting in the midst of process. Watching leaders create clarity and debate direction. Very intriguing...this whole thing of process. Much talks around leadership and the associated means and methods. Here's one that stuck with me...

Where are you leading from? The authority zone, the power zone, or the leadership zone?

From the authority zone, we basically satisfy expectations. We have the authority to lead...but, only within the confines of this authority. These confines set the standards. We meet these standards and thus satisfy these expectations. All very comforting...and, in my opinion, all very boring.

From the power zone, we rule with the iron fist. I think of Nikita Krushchev banging his shoe on the delegate's desk. Dictatorship...ultimately leading to abuse. And...abuse is rarely healing or helping.

But...step just outside the authority zone and we enter the leadership zone. Here we reframe expectations. Here we redefine priorities. Here we pursue and challenge. Here we lead!

The mindset within the leadership zone?

- Perseverance with will...
- Resistance is expected...
- Deal with values...
- Risk is required...
- Judgment is required...
- Share in responsibility...
- And...luck is part of the equation...

Now, the skill set within the leadership zone?

- Distinguish operational, strategic, and/or operational...
- Moderate anxiety...
- Engage stakeholders...
- Reinforce purpose...
- Infuse meaning...
- Build rapport...
- Reframe problems...

So, where are you leading from? The leadership zone offers movement. Not just movement...but, forward movement. And...not just forward movement...but, forward unified movement.

Let's lead from the leadership zone...allowing and compelling forward unified movement! Until next time. Jed.

Thanks to John Holm with TAG Consulting for inspiring these principles and thoughts over the last couple of days. Greatly appreciated!

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