Tuesday, January 05, 2010

An Author Or A Publisher

An author and a publisher walk into a bar. Sounds like a pathetic joke. So...let's not even attempt one and skip straight to the punchline.

You see...both play critical roles as neither exists without the other. The author feeding the publisher. The publisher feeding the author. Whether one in the same...each seems mutual enough. So, what's the defining difference? The timing of today versus tomorrow. The author authoring months and years prior. The publisher publishing months and years after.

The punchline? Recognizing these roles within your own life. Never forget. Today begs a publisher. Tomorrow begs an author. Still confused? No big deal...let's have another look.

Author your future.

Publish your past.

Your future has yet to be authored. So...get after it! Author a best seller or better yet a life changer. Short of sin...create for clients, lead for families, and win for souls.

Your past has already been published. So...use it! Bad, good, or indifferent. It compels and defines and easily resonates as a life changer. But, we often forget and neglect it. Rather...dust it off and shine it up.

Few more practical tips.

Don't worry about critics? Do you lack critics? Then, go create some! Cause without critics...you might as well forget best sellers and life changers. They too go hand in hand.

Lastly, never ever ever ever ever neglect the Chief Editor. Jesus Christ! Until next time. Jed.

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