Well...my engaging concept (aka, my case for my iPhone) has vanished. If you ask me, my wife is guilty. After all, she hated this concept. Perhaps she feed it to the dog or flushed it down the toilet. Either way, she better repent as I'd hate my case to disrupt her relationship with God. :-)
In turn, I recently headed to the Apple Store and walked out with a new case (see picture below). No fancy flare. Just an ordinary case. And...I'm ok with ordinary. As silly as it sounds, ordinary defines life.
You see...what we do with ordinary will determine whether we ever experience extraordinary. Hmmm. Come again? What we do with ordinary will determine whether we ever experience extraordinary. Doesn't the Bible speak the same truth?
You were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things (Matthew 25:21). The underlying principle? Be faithful with what God has placed within your hand and He will grant you the desires of your heart.
Makes me think of Moses. When he was throwing forth concerns, doubts, excuses, and fears. Here...God breaks it down with a really simple question. What is that in your hand (Exodus 4:2)? I envision Moses scratching his head. Probably thinking what a dumb question. You're God! You obviously know what's in my hand. Is this question a trick? But...after some sinking in...God revealed to Moses the same principle as noted above. Be faithful with what I've placed within your hand. The rest will come. For now, just be ordinary!
So, ordinary is ok. Ordinary is good. Ordinary transforms life. People come to Christ through ordinary circumstances and conversations. Whether within grocey ailses or hospital rooms, people are impacted and reached by you living out your ordinary life...grasping and gripping what God has placed within your hand. Holding on tight as the desires of your heart are just around the corner.
Don't forget. What you do with ordinary will determine whether you ever experience extraordinary! What's in your hand? Until next time. Jed.
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