Thursday, July 30, 2009

Eternal Or Tacky

What grabs attention? Perhaps something shocking? Do you slow to peek, peep, or peer at whatever debacle sits roadside...usually encompassing someone's misfortune. Yes, this misfortune is shocking at times. But, is shocking always better?

More than shocking...I love to preach engaging. Engaging grabs attention! An engaging conversation, culture, painting, people, picture, piece, etc. Engaging will accomplish just that. It engages people, which cracks the doors for true conversations...for soul conversations. These cracks are the significance of life. These cracks are what thrusts doors open for eternity. These cracks are an engaging concept.

To risk some silliness...this engaging concept is why Mickey Mouse poses within my watch. Sure, I love Disney. But, this watch is also a great conversation provoker and starter. Provoking and starting and hopefully leading to the significance of life...these cracks. Sounds silly, right? But, conversation tends to flow and grow quickly beyond a cartoon mouse. I recently applied this philosophy to my iPhone. A picture of my new case is wife hates it. I tried to explain my engaging concept. But, we seem to lack a kindred spirit. Instead, she goes straight to...what was it again...oh ya, tacky. Your thoughts?

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