Today, the latest from Don Miller hits bookshelves everywhere. A Million Miles In A Thousand Years. It's a story about what else...stories. After all, don't we all love great stories? The guy to get the gal or the hero to help the helpless. We love to lose ourselves within these stories. And, along the way, we often forget and neglect the most important one. The one about you!
Don Miller digs deep and wrestles with this concept. What's your story? What about the characters? What about the climaxes? What about the valleys? More importantly, what about the author?
Here's my biggest takeaway (kind of a sucker punch...right to my gut...leaving me gasping for breath). Is my story engaging? Not only for me...but, for the ones I love. My wife? My daughters? If not, who's the author of their story? Now, that's an eye opening concept!
A Million Miles In A Thousand Years will leave you compelled. Compelled to ensure your story is engaging. Don Miller writes with a style only he seems able to pull off. Nothing too direct...yet straight to the point. Nothing too profound...yet rattling and shaking your world.
So, here are my simple recommendations...
1) Get it.
2) Read it.
3) Live it.
Don't forget. One life...or, perhaps I should say one all the Lord has gifted. Let's make sure it's engaging!
Don Miller digs deep and wrestles with this concept. What's your story? What about the characters? What about the climaxes? What about the valleys? More importantly, what about the author?
Here's my biggest takeaway (kind of a sucker punch...right to my gut...leaving me gasping for breath). Is my story engaging? Not only for me...but, for the ones I love. My wife? My daughters? If not, who's the author of their story? Now, that's an eye opening concept!
A Million Miles In A Thousand Years will leave you compelled. Compelled to ensure your story is engaging. Don Miller writes with a style only he seems able to pull off. Nothing too direct...yet straight to the point. Nothing too profound...yet rattling and shaking your world.
So, here are my simple recommendations...
1) Get it.
2) Read it.
3) Live it.
Don't forget. One life...or, perhaps I should say one all the Lord has gifted. Let's make sure it's engaging!