Friday, August 21, 2009

Believing In Belief

God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! (Ephesians 3:20)

Do you really believe this verse? I'm talking deep down. To your core. Your essence. Your fabric. Your gut.

More importantly...

If you did, how would your life change? No more fearing, shrinking, or worrying. Living as if God lived in you. After all...He does! Read this verse again. Let it permeate and sink in. Let it become real. Let it become you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Say How, Say What, & To Whom

Lingo, language, and buzz. Culture is flooded with all of the above. Just look at this list...

- 16 Yards to 27 Yards
- Adjustable Rib
- Clay Pigeons
- Interchangeable Chokes
- Krieghoff, Ljutic, or Perazzi
- Point of Impact
- Pull or Release Trigger

Kind of confusing. Isn't it? Well...this list is the lingo of trap shooters. Once upon a time, I was immersed within this lingo. It rattled and rolled off my tongue with ease. Then, I had kids and this lingo was shelved. A somewhat depressing but emerging pattern within my life. Well worth it though!

Imagine jumping headfirst into this lingo...

"Hey bud. What point of impact is your Ljutic? I shoot 70 / 30 myself. Now, a new Adjustable Pro 3 sure would be nice. Would open a whole new world of possibilities. Wouldn't it? Perhaps start shooting with two eyes."

I envision a simple blank stare with a quiet yet pronounced withdrawal. As such, I would never unleash this lingo upon an innocent bystander. What's the point? That's right. There isn't one!

Now, think of your church...your congregation. In walks the un-churched. Hopefully, your first reaction isn't, "Why would that happen?" ;-) Once through the front doors, the lingo of church is unleashed. Innocently and seemingly gunning down the an innocent bystander.

- Blended, Contemporary, or Traditional
- Confirmation Age, Doxology, or Lord's Prayer
- Cool Hip Name Programs (College Chaos, Elevate Kids, or God's Orchard)
- Home Teams, Life Groups, or Small Groups
- Justification, Redemption, or Salvation
- New King James, New International, or The Message
- Pastor Such, Pastor That, or Pastor This

Same principle. An innocent bystander will scratch their head and stare blankly. My advice. Don't trash the lingo. After all, the lingo often defines the substance. cognizant of the how, when, where, who, and why of the lingo. Break it down into bite size and easily digestive chunks. Be very very very very very vey very intentional. Did I mention very? Starting with come as you are and finishing with the same.

Come as you are. We'll love you. No qualifiers. And...along the way, we'll unpack the greatest love story ever told.

One more thing...

Imagine the innocent bystander. Aware of a void and intrigued by Christ. Questions in hand. Perhaps wanting a Bible. Hmmm. Where to go? Sure enough...there's the information hub. But, which question to ask or how to ask it? What's this lingo again?

I think you get the point. Your information hub must be disarming, warming, and welcoming. Perhaps serve coffee from the same along with some donuts. The innocent bystander may be cautious of bare counters. But, coffee and donuts...that's worth the risk.

How is your church lingo? Is it broken down into bite size and easily digestive chunks? What about your information hub? Is it disarming, warming, and welcoming? What needs to be done to break down these false barriers and walls? Your false barriers and walls? Now...go do it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Can You Hear Me Now

Once upon a time, I was just about to dream and...a nudge. It was my wife. I'm sure out of love and respect.

"There's a cricket," she says. "Do you hear him?"

Internally, "What in the world. I'm sleeping over here." Externally, "No sweetie." Rolling over. Drifting and longing to dream...another nudge.

"Not inside. The little sucker is outside. Go get him!"

For a moment - a very brief moment - I considered arguing, disagreeing, and flat out refusing. Rather - after coming to my senses - I headed out with flashlight in hand. Now, pinpointing one cricket is basically an impossibility. So, combined with lots and lots of Raid, I reverted to scare tactics (aka loud noises). Somehow, I conquered and tamed the midnight beast. Dumb luck I guess.

Peripheral noise. Sometimes cricket like and other times giant like. A sleep robber nonetheless and often times for more than just one. Sending some out into the darkness while others fear and fret. Paralyzing. Debilitating. Conquering the directives, goals, and objectives of life. Leaving you drained, exhausted, and tired. Leaving you one and only one option. Simple surrender!

Perhaps peripheral noise is better noted as persistent noise. Either way, this noise is annoying and distracting. Only masking the real disease. The fatal disease of misguiding and unraveling.

What persistent noise is annoying and distracting you? Leading to misguiding and unraveling your life? Time to get out the Raid! Don't rely on dumb luck. After all...dumb luck is just that...dumb. Until next time. Jed.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Love Affair

Typing, sitting, and sipping. Sipping some coffee. Once upon a time, coffee was just not it. Mountain Dew, Snapple, or perhaps YooHoo (the chocolate drink). Those were it. But, coffee has somehow crept in. Persistently, slowly, and steadily. I'm not sure how or even when. An exact memory or moment doesn't jump to mind. Nonetheless, coffee now rules the day. The atmospheres, aromas, beans, conversations, grinds, hugs, and laughs. All over a cup or should I say cups of coffee. Any other addicts out there? Don't forget. The first step to recovery is admittance.

A little plug. Moon Monkey Coffee Company. Love the name. Love the coffee even more.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Destiny Of Death

And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment. (Hebrews 9:27)

The destiny of death provokes emotions, fears, thoughts, and questions. Such as the why, where, when, and what if. However, this handful quickly fades and slips from within our grip. No matter the perseverance or strength. Only fading and slipping with the passing second, minute, hour, and day. So, all fairly irrelevant. Right? But, let's not underestimate the what if. This one only drops and falls. Dropping and falling. Breaking and shattering. Why? Because we simply let go!

What if I continually run from God's calling and leading?
What if I never healed or mended the relationship?
What if I never said I love you or I'm sorry?
What if I was wrong?

My wife's aunt passed away this past Saturday. Wrestling, struggling, and losing to cancer. The why, where, and when fading and slipping from within her grip. But, the what if firmly within her grip. She had the what if nailed. You see...she never let go. She trusted Christ with her life.

Perhaps you're what? You're not alone. I know some family thinking the same. This thinking does not change the reality of Hebrews 9:27. Your destiny of death. Your judgment. Your reality. So...forget the why, where, or when. But, let's never let go. Let's nail the what if. Not tomorrow or even later today. Rather, right now! Before the sun sets and the what if becomes a has been.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Fun Friday

I just wrapped up reading 1st and 2nd Samuel. Many insights and lessons from David. Ingenuity not being the least of these insights and lessons. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Nostalgia - Memories, Moments, & Smiles

Nostalgia. A sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time. We all have at least one. One memory. One moment. One smile. So, here's some nostalgia from my childhood...a little trip down memory lane.
  • Within the parking lot of McDonald's. Sitting alongside my grandpa. In his old truck. Eating a fish sandwich after an afternoon of fishing. Laughing and smiling.
  • Watching the nightly show of flickering fireflies. A masterpiece.
  • Resting against a fence post. Looking across the snow covered fields. Falling in love with the amazing beauty of creation.
  • Soaking in the warmth of a radiator. Lying on the kitchen floor. Listening to the old farm house creak and clank.
  • Playing hide and seek with Scottie, my dog. (Side note. I was an only child.)
  • Listening to the sounds of holiday prep. Blenders, buzzers, pots, and pans. Basking in the glow of holiday lights.
  • Enjoying a Mars Bar after golf lessons. Thanks dad!
These memories, moments, and smiles have defined and molded the person before you today. The person sitting opposite your monitor. Blogging and typing away my nostalgia.

What's your nostalgia? How has this nostalgia defined and molded you?

Just as important. This nostalgia plugs into the local church. Into your church. The hugs, laughs, lessons, ministries, prayers, sermons, and tears of yesteryear. Defining and molding. Thus, here's the important point. Ready? Get your notepad and pen. And...go.

The only way for a church to move forward is to look back. Paradoxically, change can come only when the good past is guarded with passion. (pg. 69 of Transforming Church by Kevin Ford)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The What If Of Blogs

Blogs are a funny thing. A mouthpiece of one. A mouthpiece reaching a virtually unlimited audience. Pretty amazing actually and somewhat scary all at the same time. Day after day. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. Blog after blog. Authored, burned, fetched, pinged, posted, and tagged all across the globe. And guess what tomorrow holds? Yep. More of the same.

I have several blogs listed within my reader. Check them each day. Often, a couple times each day. I maintain two and soon to be three blogs. Much like a good book or a good song...I love a good blog.

Here are some of my favorites. Church Marketing Sucks. Dan Kimball. Seth Godin. Tony Morgan. All blogs on church, culture, leadership, and ministry. All good and highly recommended. Perhaps not your cup of tea. Well, there are blogs about anything and everything. Building, designing, driving, flying, gardening, hiking, painting, running, surfing, and so on. If you can name it, there's likely a blog about it.

These blogs probably suck up more energy and time than I'd care to admit or really even want to know. Makes me wonder. What if?

What if the church believed and loved as much as they emailed and followed?

What if the church proclaimed and served as much as they messaged and posted?

What if the church trusted and witnessed as much as they subscribed and tweeted?

Want to get personal...perhaps sting a little. Forget the church. You are the church. We are the church. I am the church.

So. What if you? What if we? What if I?