Thursday, August 20, 2009

Say How, Say What, & To Whom

Lingo, language, and buzz. Culture is flooded with all of the above. Just look at this list...

- 16 Yards to 27 Yards
- Adjustable Rib
- Clay Pigeons
- Interchangeable Chokes
- Krieghoff, Ljutic, or Perazzi
- Point of Impact
- Pull or Release Trigger

Kind of confusing. Isn't it? Well...this list is the lingo of trap shooters. Once upon a time, I was immersed within this lingo. It rattled and rolled off my tongue with ease. Then, I had kids and this lingo was shelved. A somewhat depressing but emerging pattern within my life. Well worth it though!

Imagine jumping headfirst into this lingo...

"Hey bud. What point of impact is your Ljutic? I shoot 70 / 30 myself. Now, a new Adjustable Pro 3 sure would be nice. Would open a whole new world of possibilities. Wouldn't it? Perhaps start shooting with two eyes."

I envision a simple blank stare with a quiet yet pronounced withdrawal. As such, I would never unleash this lingo upon an innocent bystander. What's the point? That's right. There isn't one!

Now, think of your church...your congregation. In walks the un-churched. Hopefully, your first reaction isn't, "Why would that happen?" ;-) Once through the front doors, the lingo of church is unleashed. Innocently and seemingly gunning down the an innocent bystander.

- Blended, Contemporary, or Traditional
- Confirmation Age, Doxology, or Lord's Prayer
- Cool Hip Name Programs (College Chaos, Elevate Kids, or God's Orchard)
- Home Teams, Life Groups, or Small Groups
- Justification, Redemption, or Salvation
- New King James, New International, or The Message
- Pastor Such, Pastor That, or Pastor This

Same principle. An innocent bystander will scratch their head and stare blankly. My advice. Don't trash the lingo. After all, the lingo often defines the substance. cognizant of the how, when, where, who, and why of the lingo. Break it down into bite size and easily digestive chunks. Be very very very very very vey very intentional. Did I mention very? Starting with come as you are and finishing with the same.

Come as you are. We'll love you. No qualifiers. And...along the way, we'll unpack the greatest love story ever told.

One more thing...

Imagine the innocent bystander. Aware of a void and intrigued by Christ. Questions in hand. Perhaps wanting a Bible. Hmmm. Where to go? Sure enough...there's the information hub. But, which question to ask or how to ask it? What's this lingo again?

I think you get the point. Your information hub must be disarming, warming, and welcoming. Perhaps serve coffee from the same along with some donuts. The innocent bystander may be cautious of bare counters. But, coffee and donuts...that's worth the risk.

How is your church lingo? Is it broken down into bite size and easily digestive chunks? What about your information hub? Is it disarming, warming, and welcoming? What needs to be done to break down these false barriers and walls? Your false barriers and walls? Now...go do it!

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