Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ordinary People

Recently, I went out hunting with...well...strangers. The morning of the hunt was the first we met. This meeting was a good reminder for us both. A reminder for ordinary people of ordinary people.

Prior to this meeting, we exchanged a few emails. With my signature reading All For Christ, the caution flags were raised on their end. You being one of those church folk.

Me? Well...I often huddle with those church folk. Sometimes forgetting and leaving any outside this huddle. So, if it looks like a goose and talks like a goose, it's likely a goose. Guess at times I'm one of those church folk.

Really kind of sad and I often huddle with onlookers gaping and wondering. The huddle never growing. The onlookers never knowing. Huh?

In the end --- we learned, laughed, and chatted. And...don't forget hunted. They met one of those church folk and found he's ordinary people. And...the flip for me. It was a blast and a good reminder for us both...particularly me.

For 2010, let's break from the huddle as we know an extraordinary God who loves ordinary people. Until next year. Jed.

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