Monday, September 21, 2009

The Perception Of Hurdles

So...I recently jumped aboard a local organization. This organization has a few hurdles to overcome. Not hurdles down the road. Rather, these hurdles are directly in front. The kind you either clear now or fall face first, with all eyes on you. Then, before you know it, you've gone viral. Kind of like this one.

These hurdles revolve around perception. The perception of both insiders and outsiders. I'm not sure who coined it. But, it sure does ring true. Perception is everything.

Let's head back to Exodus 14. Israel is finally freed of their captors. Not only freed...but, they plundered them and headed out with high fives and loot in hand. But, before long, they heard chariot wheels and hoof beats.

Then they said to Moses, "Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness?" Exodus 14:11. Wow! Their perception has taken a large swing in little time.

The response from Moses is priceless! "Don't be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace." Exodus 14:13-14.

This response must be the mantra of the organization noted above. Standing still and waiting to see the salvation of the Lord. Sure...there may be chariot wheels and hoof beats. Perhaps the Red Sea is directly in front. But, without these things, there would be no need for God. This fact alone excites me!

The same applies to our personal lives. Whatever hurdles need to be cleared. Cling to the simple principles of Moses.

1. Don't be afraid.
2. Stand still.
3. The Lord will fight for you.
4. You shall hold your peace.

These principles are awesome! These principles greatly impact perception. Go and live them out, as God is currently crafting your testimony. And...this testimony will rock lives! Yours included!

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