This past week, I attended a lunch where Neil Cole spoke of Organic Church. I admit...I was skeptical as my exposure to Neil was minimal. But, I loved every minute. Here's what stuck with me more than anything simple quote.
"The greatest sin of the American Church is self preservation," Neil Cole.
Wow. That one calls for a good gut check. Neil took it a step further and outlined two differing theologies.
The theology of SAFE:
- Self preservation is the mission.
- Avoidance of risk and/or world is also mission.
- Financial security equates to responsible faith.
- Education equates to maturity.
The theology of DEATH:
- Die daily to who we are.
- Empowerment of others is our life.
- Acceptance of risk is normative.
- Theology is not just knowledge it's practice.
- Hold on to Christ with open hands to all else.
Which one are you living out? How about your church?
Are we trusting in self through safe or trusting in Christ through death?
I simply love these thoughts and will let them stand alone without much comment. Take them to heart, be honest, and pursue Christ!
Thanks Neil for the challenge. Feel free to visit his blog here. Until next time. Jed.
Makes me think of Mr. Beaver's words to Lucy about Aslan.
Lucy: "Is he... safe?"
Mr. Beaver: "Safe? Don't you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Of course he isn't safe... but... he's GOOD... He's the King."
You're right on the money and I completely missed that context. Great add my friend! Thx.
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