Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ordinary People

Recently, I went out hunting with...well...strangers. The morning of the hunt was the first we met. This meeting was a good reminder for us both. A reminder for ordinary people of ordinary people.

Prior to this meeting, we exchanged a few emails. With my signature reading All For Christ, the caution flags were raised on their end. You being one of those church folk.

Me? Well...I often huddle with those church folk. Sometimes forgetting and leaving any outside this huddle. So, if it looks like a goose and talks like a goose, it's likely a goose. Guess at times I'm one of those church folk.

Really kind of sad and I often huddle with onlookers gaping and wondering. The huddle never growing. The onlookers never knowing. Huh?

In the end --- we learned, laughed, and chatted. And...don't forget hunted. They met one of those church folk and found he's ordinary people. And...the flip for me. It was a blast and a good reminder for us both...particularly me.

For 2010, let's break from the huddle as we know an extraordinary God who loves ordinary people. Until next year. Jed.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Meaning Of Meaning

Here I sit...staring blankly at my screen with a brief moment before me. A brief moment to post something. But...a simple question rattles within my head. Repeating again and again in relentless pursuit of an ever eluding answer.

My question --- post what? My answer --- don't know!

Reminds me of Solomon. Perhaps he wrestled with the same as he wrote the following, "Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind, nothing was gained under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 2:11).

Huh. Seems like meaning is frequently sought but rarely caught...even for a man such as Solomon. A meaningful career, day, experience, post, read, or relationship. So...perhaps it's good to sit and stare blankly. Remind, reflect, and never forget. Much is meaningless! In fact, all is meaningless except one.

"But an angel said to them, 'Don't be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, he is Christ the Lord.'" (Luke 2:10-11).

Good news and great joy. For all and born to you.

I could continue with God's grace and love. Leading to forgiveness and peace. Revealing and unfolding to true meaning. But...I won't as my soul tires of connecting these simple dots. So...I'll leave you with this...

Meaning will never appear absent a Savior! And, as the angel said, he is Christ the Lord. So...sit, stare blankly, and ponder the meaning of meaning. Until next time. Jed.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Am I Willing

Who wants to be used by God? Well...I do of course. I'm sure you're with me and we're likely an overwhelming majority. So, perhaps we're asking the wrong questions. What about - who does God use? What about me, our churches, our families, or you? Are we being used by God? Scripture offers some unique examples with often bizarre and wild twists. Here are just a few...

Think of Moses. A raging mob before him. A raging sea behind him. A raging army rapidly approaching. His response? Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. Exodus 14:13. Wow!

Or...Jonathan forging into the Philistines with his armor bearer close behind. Thousands upon thousands of Philistines. Only two swords in all of Israel. You got to be kidding me. Right?

Gideon is another. All inflated and prepared with 32,000 men. But...God quickly whittled them down to 10,000 and then again to 300. Now that's poor odds.

How about Joshua communicating the battle plans for Jericho? 1) Walk around the walls. 2) Walk around the walls a bit more. 3) Blow some horns really loud. What in the world? Seems least to me and you.

What's the common thread throughout? A vast list of experiences and references from each? Not really. Rather, the qualifications narrow to only one. Willingness! People who were willing to be used by God. No matter how bizarre or wild. Just simply willing. And...through this willingness, the hand of God moved in BIG ways.

As Christmas approaches and New Years rests upon the horizon, it's a good time to remind. Remind ourselves and those God has placed around us. Despite the adversity and uncertainty of today, God still moves in BIG ways. He's looking for vehicles to use and the only requirement is willingness. So...perhaps we're asking the wrong question yet again. Shouldn't it be - are you willing?

Let's follow the example of Mary whose world was turned upside down one evening long ago.

Luke 1:34-38: "How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?"

The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. ---- For nothing is impossible with God."

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."

In the midst of her adversity and uncertainty, Mary proclaimed willingness. The result was the redemption of man! So...whether raging seas, two swords, 300 men, or blowing trumpets...may it also be with us.

Thanks to Wes Bell, the Lead Pastor of Harvest Chapel as this post was inspired from his recent message. Click here to see his blog. Good stuff!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009