Friday, November 06, 2009

Dirty Laundry

A church and a pub just a few blocks apart. How do these worlds interact and intersect? Better these or should these worlds interact and intersect?

Let's travel back a few posts. Perhaps it's time for a reverse Jericho...with the church blowing their trumpets and allowing their walls to crumble. Sounds poetic. But, what does it mean? What does it mean for this church and this pub?

For some reason, these questions are craving my attention. Jumping up and down and waving their hands within my mind. So, I'm letting my walls crumble and venturing out into the world of what ifs...

- What if my church eliminated the word orphans throughout my county?
- What if my church opened a coffee house, counseling center, or laundry mat?
- What if my church provided attorneys or physicians to those without means?
- What if my church united with area churches on any of the above?

These what ifs engage the community and reach the lost. Take the simple laundry mat. The relationships and opportunities. The life change through simple soap and water. Potentially, bringing this church and this pub together.

Or...providing the attorney or physician to the struggling dad or mom. Helping preserve families and kids instead of despair and distraught through secondhand tales.

My church functioning and operating downtown next to the flower shop and insurance agent. Joining the Chamber of Commerce. Waving at the barber across the street. Loving every chime of the front door.

How much more does uniting with area churches impact and improve these what ifs?

So, what should my church be doing beyond their walls? These questions will likely jump and wave throughout my life. What I do know? Don't glance over. Rather buckle down. Break the rules. Stretch the thoughts. Who knows where God will lead! Until next time. Jed.

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