Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Death By Paralysis

When Ishbosheth heard...he lost all courage and ALL Israel became paralyzed with fear. 2 Samuel 4:1.

First off...what kind of name is Ishbosheth. Poor guy. I bet he never got teased. Sure - ya right! So, for you expecting parents, take this one off your list of potentials for little Johnny. You'll thank me later...and so will Johnny.

Anyways...talk about the importance of leadership. The crippling of one leader froze an entire nation. ALL Israel. What? Say that again. One man froze one nation. An entire nation. Not ten men, five men, or even two men. But, one man.

So, leaders need to lead. Simple enough. Right? Despite what you may hear - cast your eyes upon the Lord and lead - cling to His cross and lead. Ignore the whats and whys of your ear, as they completely deflated our friend, Ishbosheth. They promise the same for you - while clapping, singing, and smiling along the way.

The alternate is paralysis, which generally leads to a slow and painful death. Until next time. Jed.

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