Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The What If Of Blogs

Blogs are a funny thing. A mouthpiece of one. A mouthpiece reaching a virtually unlimited audience. Pretty amazing actually and somewhat scary all at the same time. Day after day. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. Blog after blog. Authored, burned, fetched, pinged, posted, and tagged all across the globe. And guess what tomorrow holds? Yep. More of the same.

I have several blogs listed within my reader. Check them each day. Often, a couple times each day. I maintain two and soon to be three blogs. Much like a good book or a good song...I love a good blog.

Here are some of my favorites. Church Marketing Sucks. Dan Kimball. Seth Godin. Tony Morgan. All blogs on church, culture, leadership, and ministry. All good and highly recommended. Perhaps not your cup of tea. Well, there are blogs about anything and everything. Building, designing, driving, flying, gardening, hiking, painting, running, surfing, and so on. If you can name it, there's likely a blog about it.

These blogs probably suck up more energy and time than I'd care to admit or really even want to know. Makes me wonder. What if?

What if the church believed and loved as much as they emailed and followed?

What if the church proclaimed and served as much as they messaged and posted?

What if the church trusted and witnessed as much as they subscribed and tweeted?

Want to get personal...perhaps sting a little. Forget the church. You are the church. We are the church. I am the church.

So. What if you? What if we? What if I?

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