Monday, January 26, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be

Any leaders among us? I imagine so. Leaders love to do do do and go go go. Capturing, nailing, reaching, remembering, and transcending…multiple items and tasks at one time. A quick inhale and off we go again. A relentless venture. Climbing mountain after mountain. Crossing finish line after finish line. Repeating day after day and tomorrow after tomorrow.

The point being…leaders often relish leading and completely neglect being. To be or not to be? Be a friend. Be a husband. Be a parent. Be a partner. But…above all…be with God. The friend, husband, parent, and partner will never fully bloom without the later. Be with God.

The beauty. The majesty. Remember when? These things I remember as I pour out my soul. How I used to go with the multitude. Leading the procession to the house of God with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng (Psalm 42:4). Remember when following and serving God was thankful and joyful and not just full of notes, points, and tasks.

Pause for a moment day after day and tomorrow after tomorrow. Remember when. Be with God and be renewed! Until next time. Jed.

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