Monday, December 22, 2008

Plan, Planned, & Planning

Plan. Planned. Planning. Three great words. These words consume articles, books, careers, and ultimately lives. For instance…with a simple search on Monster you’ll find a Director of Clinical Planning, a Global Planning Manager (sounds important), a Merchandise Planning Analyst, a Planning Engineer, a Supply Chain Planning Senior Analyst (now…that’s a long one), and the list goes on. I guess momma was right. It pays to plan.

As Christmas approaches…just think of the planning. The cards. The families. The meals. The pictures. The presents. The schedules. The travels. The trimming. The wrapping. Wow! Perhaps a Planning Engineer is needed to help navigate these holiday waters. Can I get one at Target...along with a few stocking stuffers?

What about everyday life? We have gadgets and gizmos that beep, buzz, sing, and twitter. Why? All in the name of planning. We have cars telling us they need oil and fridges telling us they need milk (which is kind of freaky by the way). Yep…planning is all around.

But…planning is not all bad. After all, who doesn’t love a good plan? Especially when this plan comes together just as…dare I say…planned.

Christmas is a mere three days away. Let’s think back to the first Christmas. God’s plan involved some animals, a manager, a stable, and some sheepherders. The birth of Christ. The Perfect. But…how will we know this Messiah and Savior. Luke 2:12 notes, “You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” What? Now…that’s the puzzler of all puzzlers. Did that angel just say a manger? We’re talking about the Savior. Right?

Probably safe to say that our plan may have differed. Even if only a little. ;)

What’s the point? Only a handful captured the first Christmas. The remainder were too busy, too lazy, too tired, or too whatever. Let’s slow down this Christmas and be counted within this handful.

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