Friday, August 15, 2008

The Tree That Started It All

Not too far from my office window is a tree. This tree has dual personalities. One half has life. There are birds chirping and leaves rustling. One half has death...barren and desolate. All the same tree…yet life and death clearly represent themselves within the same.
Sound familiar? After all…you attend church, help your neighbor, love your family, pray every so often, and work hard. You have life! People admire you. People like you. People trust you. But, what if they knew? What if they knew the truth about you?
You have death! Death that knows you and knows you well. Death that keeps secrets. Death that gently and quietly whispers your name. Death that continually pops up although you try and squelch it over and over again. What is it? What is your death? An addiction, lies, lust, perfectionism, pornography…the potential candidates go on.
And so the walk continues. The live half trying to outpace the dead half. No matter how hard or how long you try…every time you turn around the dead half remains. You fear the day and believe me the day is coming. The day where the dead half overtakes the live half.
In a few weeks…this tree will be cut down. The live half will pay the ultimate price due to the dead half…death will have overtaken life.
And so…832 Ministries has ideas and thoughts of possible ministries…thanks to the tree that started it all.
“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) Freedom from death. Until next time. Jed.

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