Monday, June 22, 2009


Sovereign. dictionary app tells me a few things about this word such as...

- Having supreme rank, power, and authority.
- Supreme, preeminent, and indisputable.
- Greater in degree, utmost, and extreme.
- Being above all others in character, importance, excellence, etc.
- Efficacious and potent.

I don't know about you...but, I'm glad God is sovereign. Sure makes life easier. Until next time. Jed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Bike Ride

The weekend is upon us. Before diving into this weekend, let's take a quick look at a simple truth.

What are we doing with our time? What paths are we walking? Why are we walking these paths? Should we be walking these paths? Are these paths the right paths? the simple truth. After all, simple truths are the best kind. Right?

Do all for the Lord! Calling, hanging, mowing, parenting, washing, working, and so on. Do all for the Lord!

Kind of like riding a bike. At some point, we all fall off. Once off, does the ride revert to the beginning? Of course not. Watch those who get back on...who dust themselves off and persevere. Those are the ones who will be used by God.

Ride with your all! And...before riding, make sure you're on God's path. Until next time. Jed.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Are You In

Life happens sooner or later. There’s no escaping it. What a true statement! Perhaps it’s something simple such as a busted furnace or tire. Perhaps it’s something more such as a failing diagnosis or relationship. Either way…life happens. All it takes is a little time and here’s the bad and good news…regardless of our economic or social status, everyone has a little time.

What to do? I’m reminded of camp. One junior high student and one senior high student. One struggling to give their life to the Lord and one pleading with the Lord for the health of a loved one. What did they do? They prayed and surrendered to the Supernatural.

We must let go of the natural and allow the Supernatural to prevail. It’s not about you! The world was turned upside down by only 120 people (Acts 2). Not because of their natural abilities…but, because of their willingness to surrender to the Supernatural and give their all to the Lord!

Prayed and surrendered. Sounds simple enough. Are you in? Until next time. Jed.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Camp's Rants & Raves

We just got back from Family and Youth Bible Camp. What a great week! I tagged team the senior high with my friend Nick Marcoux. And…as always, we had a blast!

Here are a few glimpses…

- Serving the Lord with your all in the ordinary will result in the extraordinary. “There is still the youngest,” Jesse replied. “But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.” (1 Samuel 16:11). This is Jesse talking of his youngest…David. David was living an ordinary life…serving God with his all. The rest of the story speaks for itself.
- You might not make it across the street, home, through dinner, or whatever. It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man, the living should take this to heart (Ecclesiastes 7:2). Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog - it’s here a little while, then it’s gone (James 4:13-14).
- Knowing you might not…what are you going to do with Jesus? Forget all the other questions. This is the only one that truly matters.
- Listen to the Paul within your life…there’s likely more than one. Paul advised them saying, “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives.” Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul (Acts 27:9-11).
- What is it costing you to follow Jesus Christ? Then King David said to Ornan, “No but I will surely buy it for full price, for I will not take what is yours for the Lord, nor offer burnt offerings with that which costs me nothing,” (1 Chronicles 21:24).

Also, here are some questions asked by the senior high…all eye openers…

- If you feel as if God is calling you to do something bigger than what you are capable of doing, how can you feel the confidence to do great things for God?
- Why does God not let something happen that you have worked hard for and would be able to praise Him through?
- Other than an accountability partner, what are good ways to break a habit, as in a habit nobody knows you do?
- How far is too far when it comes to dating? When does it become a sin? What’s the most advisable way to resist the physical temptations and sexual temptations from the opposite sex?
- What do you do if you have a friend who is a believer, but doesn’t attend church?
- My dad is probably not a believer. Besides praying, what are some other ways to also influence him?
- How should I begin to talk to someone about Christ? What should I say first?

Camp was a huge success! God moved in mighty ways and I’ll forever be grateful…for we serve an awesome God. Until next time. Jed.